Categorías: Noticias

FIPP:Seminario en la red y Congreso

FIPP está llevando a cabo dos eventos , se tratan de un seminario en línea gratuito que se celebrará el 26 de mayo de 2011 y el otro el World Magazine Congreso en la India 10 al 12 octubre 2011.

Two events FIPP is holding, one is a FREE webinar to be held on 26 May 2011 and the other is our flagship World Magazine Congress in India 10-12 October 2011, it would be great if you could help us get good attendance from Spain for both these events.

The webinar is called Six simple steps to successful international magazine licensing: what you need to know it is aimed at publishers who are not yet involved in international magazine licensing or have very little experience, it covers the basics and what you need to get started and hopefully will result in new revenue streams for many publishers. It would be great if you could let your membership know about the webinar as our contacts in Spain are mainly those publishers that are already publishing internationally so any help you could give us would be much appreciated. After the webinar, if you wish, you can have a recorded version to host on your website for 12 months as a tool for your members. The free webinar will take place on 26 May at 2pm BST for more information please visit

The 38th World Magazine Congress will take place in New Delhi, 10-11 October. This is FIPP’s most prestigious event and all associations can get a good discount for their members by organising a delegation, direct association staff can also benefit from a 50% discount. We can provide many promotional tools to help you communicate this event to your members, from press releases to banners for your own website or printed flyers. Any help you could give us with this would be fantastic. For more information on the Congress please visit



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