FIPP Innovations in Magazines 2010 World Report is a global look at the most innovative initiatives to increase magazine reach, relevance, revenue, and readership.
The survey highlights a series of magazine case studies and interviews showing initiatives that have a proven track record of being successful, focusing on identifying innovation in content-driven solutions. The study is co-published by Innovation Media Consulting, which has also produced the annual World Association of Newspapers World Report for more than 10 years.
CLABE propone un Plan Nacional de Alfabetización Mediática para todos los niveles educativos. El presidente…
El presidente de CLABE comparece ante el Congreso para defender la pluralidad informativa Arsenio Escolar…
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Club Abierto de Editores lidera la iniciativa #ComprometidosConLaVerdad, gracias al apoyo de Google y otras…
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