Noticias FIPP

Cumbre Innovación Digital en Berlín (Marzo 2010)

La FIPP nos hace llegar la siguiente nota, sobre el encuentro de innovación digital que organiza en la capital alemana, el 1 y 2 de marzo del próximo año. Forward thinking publishers will have the opportunity to learn about new strategies and approaches to developing profitable digital businesses at the next Digital Innovators’ Summit in Berlin, Germany on 1-2 March 2010.
The International Federation of the Periodical Press (FIPP), the Association of German Magazine Publishers (Verband Deutscher Zeitschriftenverleger – VDZ) and the American new media consultancy emediaSF continue to help advance the digital efforts of magazine publishers by hosting the third digital media conference.
The programme is focused on the needs of magazine publishers, covering current and future trends in digital media as well as offering concrete case studies and ideas. This conference will inspire you to innovate and develop individual approaches that will benefit your company.
Topics covered in the two day programme include:

· Successful digital strategies for publishers

· Business models for digital offerings beyond display advertising, featuring case studies by international publishers with diversified business models including paid content and services

· New approaches to the monetisation of digital offerings with innovative tools, services and devices

· New trends in online advertising

· Ways publishers can work more closely with agencies and marketers

This will be a wonderful opportunity to network and engage in discussions with your peers in the international magazine publishing industry. The event is targeted at publishers, executives and managers of media companies from around the world.
The Digital Innovators’ Summit 2010 will once again take place in the impressive Deutsche Telecom Conference Center in the capital of Germany, Berlin.
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